Artistic Statement

I was lucky to have grown up in the Guilin countryside, a region famed in China for its scenic beauty. Therefore, I am spontaneously drawn to colors, lines, textures and emotions within my surroundings while I incorporate in my artworks my love for nature and society, in order to create a relationship with agriculture, wildlife, food chains, and politics. When I moved to Michigan in 2010, I found that I was intrigued by same elements in Michigan landscapes. As an artist, I feel the responsibility to address subject matters that our society tends to neglect or deny, including the adverse effects of environmental hazards. The impact of human activity upon agriculture and wildlife, the food chain, nature and plants, are matters crucial to my research and creativity.

My work consists upon exploring the intermediary space between death and life, decay and growth, and wrong and right, in an attempt to understand as much as to criticize. I chose to paint visual poems in order to express human and animal behavior. The decision to use visual poems responds to a natural process stemming from people’s innate need to explain themselves and their relationship to the world they inhabit--a desire that is particularly powerful during adolescence. Such visual poems assume and imply that spectators’ experience and knowledge will lead to the creation of numerous interpretations. Using paintings as visual poems triggers viewers’ imagination, and enables them to get a glimpse at who I am and what I think, as well as at what my life has been like, what I want to achieve, along with what I am capable of accomplishing.

I hope that my artwork will give rise to a greater appreciation of the beauty and the fragility of the natural world. Modern society is becoming increasingly disconnected from nature. I believe, however, that in order to ensure a successful future for humanity, it is essential that we reclaim a greater awareness and consideration for our planet’s life and it is imperative that we, as artists, contribute to this necessary change.

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